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By Oby Ndukwe

We believed in him so much that this time around, everything will be better than the past. 

In spite of the meddlesomeness of the security agencies, Jega's INEC and the stinking corruption in the Commission is the cause of the violence in Rivers state during the elections. We were made to believe that there would not be a repeat of the lapses which occurred during the presidential election. 

Jega reassured us that the card readers have no tolerance for rigging. We were deceived. It was only a diversionary tactics. 

Those who pre-planned how to cart away ballot materials as well as clone the result sheets and ballot papers knew better.
Instead of investigating that after the presidential election, he created more room for these rapists to violate our democracy again with unimaginable impunity and now he asks us to go to court. 

Does Jega realise how much justice is worth in Nigeria? Only the super rich can afford it. After spending so much on door to door campaign, you are now asked to go to court to seek redress.

My question is why couldn't Jega give us justice by not announcing very contentious results? He probably only wants to be seen as performing his duty to conduct any 'shambolic' elections while the real winners can seek redress at the Tribunals. Whose Courts anyway?

Sacrificing states like Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Edo, Imo, and Abia states is a continuation of the orchestrated war against Biafra! It is just deliberate. All the losers in the North and in the West have congratulated the winners, not for peace sake but because the rigging was minimal. 

Apart from these states, which other state recorded so much violence? Not even the states bedevilled by Boko Haram.
We have rejected this divide and rule tactics which they used to divide our people of the old Eastern region. Today, the Igbo man is more divided against his brother in Rivers. 

No one can SACRIFICE us again for the sake of peace and then come out tomorrow like Gen. Gowon to shout, "NO VICTOR, NO VANQUISHED!". 

We are a defeated people who will again use our meagre resources to patronise and enrich our Northern and Western Judges and SANs. No, Not our Sweat! 

If our constitution cannot guarantee our people justice without paying heavily through the courts, then we will find another means, cheaper to do so! 

JEGA and your bundle of corrupt officials, worse than even the Nigerian Police and NEPA, you are the greatest enemy of our people.
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